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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Movie recommendation

Well, the old Taxco crew got together anoche. The plan was to catch the flick "I heart Huckabees," but it wasn't showing, so we punted.

The result: "The Motorcycle Diaries," a look at the man, the myth, the legend, the revolucionario Fuser (Che) Guevara. What a great movie. Y'all know I don't got none culture, and indy-ish films are certainly a rarity for me, but the thing was phenomenal -- in every aspect.

The story details Che's trek with a friend through South America by motorcycle, during his pre-Cuba days, and shows the tremendous impact his travels made on him. The story is touching, the cinematography spectacular, and the feel of the journey, the people he meets, and the landscape (some of the best I've EVER seen -- and I rep the CO) is incredible. Check it out, for real.

And while you're at it, might want to plug the other movie I saw this week: Team America, by the Southpark dudes. It's a great take on the political situation today, and hilarious all-around.

Other must-sees:
Garden State
Napoleon Dynamite


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