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Thursday, January 27, 2005

a perplexing question came to me today

why does B.A.S.F. advertise?

you know, the "We don't make a lot of the products you buy -- we make a lot of the products you buy BETTER" people. Like wtf does that do for them?

Do I go out and buy B.A.S.F. (what is it even?)? No. Nor does anyone else. Nobody even knows what they do. Are they really targeting a consumer market or something? It really puzzles me. And it's like a massive campagin (and has been for like 10 years). Any explanations?


Blogger dantheheel said...

Phipps says B.A.S.F. advertises for stock, which makes the whole thing understandable, and perhaps smart even. I feel stupid for not having thought of this myself. And he's a pussy for not posting it here himself.

5:03 PM


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