What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

random thoughts for Phipps

we can all learn from this:
how to fold a shirt in the best way ever!
now that's some cool shit, eh? I need to sit down sometime and see if I can achually get the hang of that. Makes me wish I knew a long time ago.

I fear my blogging frequency may decrease, but that's life

Colorado State starts 3 7-footers. WTF?

I signed a lease today. Wow. And I ordered checks. Double-wow. I am growing up, and I do NOT like it. Make it stop, please. I also sent out infinity emails, but will hear back from none of them and will have a shitty summer and first job and rest of my life.

And, oh, Jon Raciecki starts for the Rams too--that's my boy. I played on an AAU team in HS with him once. He was two years older and he tried to dunk over me in practice one time. He kicked me in the balls. It hurt bad.

JOMC 54 has launched the most challenging assault yet to date to ruin my life. I am fairly determined not to let it bring me down though.

I think I need to make some changes in my life, eliminate some things, and reevaluate why I do what I do. Sorry to be vague, but I don't particularly relish in spilling my personal details to Lord knows who. Though this crap I just did is probably worse. I wonder if I'm like a closet-exhibitionist or something. An exhibitionist who starts to exhibit, but then runs away. Something like that.

Despite my crazy-hectic schedule, I am considering adding another class. Do I think this is wise? Absolutely not. Will I probably do it anyways? I'm leaning towards si.

Weeks without a game blow. And I didn't even get to see us beat dook. So I am sad.

If people with emotions (sadly, I lack them. Well, not sadly, but numbly, I lack them) knew how much my Tuesdays and Thursdays suck, I believe they would weep for me and flash floods would overtake campus. Freshly-baked cookies will be gladly welcomed in the stead of such a deluge.

There is no way I should be up right now, so I plan to change that. Bye. I love you.

(next goal: remember to do this drunk)


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