What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Monday, April 25, 2005


This post serves two functions:

1.) it recognizes that I went to CHiPs (I hope that's how you are supposed to do it) with Manish two Fridays ago. I never knew this (cult) world existed. And how awesome it is. I will be attending future shows in the future (and let me just say future one more time). But they made me laugh, at that makes me return. which brings me to...

2.) masterbasing. Yes, it was a hilarious skit that dealt with stalkernet itself, that all-popular master(data)base that is thefacebook. Now, I will admit I was very briefly a facebook fan, and probably started it well earlier than most of you (which is, of course, a true sign of my immense popularity, just like gmail, which I had before all of you too). THWSTSIT (there was some thick sarcasm in that). But, if you haven't guessed it yet, I hate, despise, and kill facebook. The fact that people derive self-worth from it is saddening, and I only go there when people I know only as mere acquaintances ask me to be their friends, and then I reject them. Sometimes it takes three or four rejections for them to realize that I'm not just ignoring them but instead making the declaration that we aren't REAL friends. Moreover, I hate that my REAL friends will browse it for hours, scouring the intimate details of people they don't know who wish to make their personal info public (this coming from the keystrokes of a blogger, who publishes his life to the world -- why do I do that? No doubt, a lot if it is for self purposes; I like it, and it helps me reflect on and remember things, but still. Why do I give a fuck if you all read it, 'cause I obviously do) But back to hawkeyeing facebook (and being hypocritical). That is pathetic. Truly. There is no need to do it, and it's kind of scary in a stalker way. And I don't even want to think about it in a masterbasing kind of way. So stop the masterbasing mania. Get rid of the iPods. And to some extent cell phones, too. Let's hang out face-to-face, and people talk.

This coming to you straight from the Cave of the Recluse.


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