What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Moist, Panties, and Ointment

[cue all female readers cringing in disgust]

Ask a girl, any girl, and DTM promises you she will hate one of these words, most likely all three. Without fail. Why?

seriously, why?

I mean there is an obvious connection, and usually a common order (you can figure it out), but the need for actual hatred? Come on. I, for one, don't come close to understanding it, and I imagine the entire male species (it's always confounded me why the word species is used there) is behind me. I don't think I "hate" any word, much less band with all my brothers to express disgust at the same ones. It's a really silly, stupid, irrational, and FORCED thing to do.

And, for the record, my immediate mental associations for the supposed "words of horror":

moist: cake, always cake. Then soil. Never "it."
panties: no explanation needed, but by all means a positive.
ointment: healing, enough said. I don't even want to, nor do I, consider whatever it is that terrifies the XXers.

grow up.


Blogger AP said...

me and most my brothers aren't fans of the word "castration."

12:06 AM

Blogger dantheheel said...


I mean, of course if I sit down and think about it some less-than-pleasant images come to mind, but I actually find the word itself kind of cool...

9:27 AM

Blogger Rell said...

Moist might be the best word ever...

1:58 PM

Blogger Nick said...

I dunno, personally, when I think ointment, I think of old people and reitrement homes. Not that that's a bad thing. Personally, I'd say I'm not too big on vasectomy.

8:01 PM

Blogger dantheheel said...

I like the word vasectomy....sounds like a foreign dude who should play in the NBA

8:30 PM


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