Moist, Panties, and Ointment
[cue all female readers cringing in disgust]
Ask a girl, any girl, and DTM promises you she will hate one of these words, most likely all three. Without fail. Why?
seriously, why?
I mean there is an obvious connection, and usually a common order (you can figure it out), but the need for actual hatred? Come on. I, for one, don't come close to understanding it, and I imagine the entire male species (it's always confounded me why the word species is used there) is behind me. I don't think I "hate" any word, much less band with all my brothers to express disgust at the same ones. It's a really silly, stupid, irrational, and FORCED thing to do.
And, for the record, my immediate mental associations for the supposed "words of horror":
moist: cake, always cake. Then soil. Never "it."
panties: no explanation needed, but by all means a positive.
ointment: healing, enough said. I don't even want to, nor do I, consider whatever it is that terrifies the XXers.
grow up.
me and most my brothers aren't fans of the word "castration."
12:06 AM
I mean, of course if I sit down and think about it some less-than-pleasant images come to mind, but I actually find the word itself kind of cool...
9:27 AM
Moist might be the best word ever...
1:58 PM
I dunno, personally, when I think ointment, I think of old people and reitrement homes. Not that that's a bad thing. Personally, I'd say I'm not too big on vasectomy.
8:01 PM
I like the word vasectomy....sounds like a foreign dude who should play in the NBA
8:30 PM
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