What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm honestly continuously amazed

(and I'm sure y'all have noticed)

with how I'll stumble upon some problem or inconvenience or another (including very minor ones) and think to myself, "wow, I wish there was some way I didn't have to do this," and promptly think nothing more of it -- until google comes out a few weeks or months or years later with some new gadget that solves my predicament, a process that has occurred enough frequency that I should probably come to expect it, but yet am surprised every time

case in point

also, Alex says I should stop gushing over every google product, and I agree, and try to rein myself in, but he also gave me shit about google calendar before recanting, so maybe they are just that good

those puzzles for the da vinci code quest sucked though

oh wow


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


the strange, twisted world of grandmasters (and their little gorgeous, chess-playing bittie(s))

the culprit's site

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dirty Italians

they actually practice cheating:

Sam's Army must put a stop to such shenanigans.

is there a worse rap song

than "Never Let 'Em CU Sweat"?

I think not, and I challenge what little of you out there are seeing this to defy me. There just simply cannot be a more atrocious musical compilation than that shit I just had the extreme misfortune of remembering.