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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New NCAA Academic Evaluation

I'm sure some of you have followed this, but it's nice to know that the thing we can always hang our hat on (academic superiority) is indeed born out by the numbers.

UNC's mean for football, baseball and men's basketball is the highest in the ACC. The N & O includes women's basketball and once again we make the score.

In fact, all our sports (except men's golf and wrestling) make the necessary mark. NCSU football and basketball, on the other hand, look to possibly be in for some serious trouble down the road, as they constitute part of the 7 percent of all NCAA teams who failed to meet the standard. Sad, but it won't shut them up over in Rawleigh. Which is probably even sadder.

Oh, and the ACC again outclasses the SEC, which had only ONE SCHOOL with passing scores in both football and men's basketball. I'm sure you can guess which school.

The key thing to see will be if the NCAA actually enforces it. It will come down to a question of ethics or money, and I think we've seen what the NCAA usually does in such cases (heck it's already giving teams like State "confidence" exceptions).


Blogger Nick said...

I have a feeling that school is in Tennessee...

9:36 PM


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