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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A collection of good links stolen from other people's blogs because I'm cheap and lazy like that

To start the randamonium off, the first credits go to Chris and his mysterious next blog man (kind of like Monkey, y'all remember him? except way cooler and with better staying power).

For those of you interested in this whale of a tale, here's the initial incident, gotta give mad respect for the uniqueness of the Schiavo love and the next-blogging (we all do it), which Schiavo-man continues to expertly/fascinatingly develop in his version of events and his blog as a whole. Then comes the violation response from Chris and follow-up comments and all is right with the world again -- especially since the front lines are clearly being established in the underworld by all those sworn to the faithful upholding of TWSHIT and its derivative TWMHIT. I do have to say, after reading it all, I still have NO IDEA what the hell went down. But it's awesome -- in the dart-in-the-jugular sort of way.

The other links, in must less spectacular, though equally interesting fashion, come from David, some random people, and Ken.

Two "games" that impress me more because someone has the ability to think and code them up than their actual relation to my fiance, Google:

guess-the-google (the more "fun" of the two)

montage-a-google (always fade out in a montage...if you fade out, it seems like more time has passed in a montage......)

and, moving right along

I honestly would love to do a studybreak like this (anybody down?),

the one remaining shred of hope I have left

another one of these, but longer and still funny

and to cap it all off in true porno orgy climax fashion, an awesome post by a mathematical genius for nerds like me who care about the historical trends of basketball -- call it hyperbole, but check out his other stuff and you won't count genius out...


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