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Monday, July 25, 2005

color me a loser, if you wish

but you'd be sadly mistaken if you mistook my absolute infatuation with Laguna Beach (which re-"debuts" tonight -- SEASON TWO!!! -- a fact that I've had my hopes pinned on for months) as anything other than a sign of the most refined appreciation for the arts. In fact, were you to interpret it as an indication of crude immaturity or shallowness, I'm afraid there's no hope for you.

Because, you see, Laguna Beach is simply the best show on TV (excluding the possible re-emergence of Arrested Development (someone PLEASE pick up the third season) as well as immutable hallmarks South Park and Reno 911). I've said it before, and I only hope I'm singing the same tune after tonight (I've got my doubts about Kristen leading the brigade -- L.C. was always my fave), but the show is without a doubt the shit. So much so that upon learning of exactly how much our Europe trip conflicted with the new season, Manish (who has an identical love and respect for all things Laguna) and I considered canceling our cross-Atlantic jaunt. Alas, prudent minds prevailed and we are foregoing our one and only true love (but only for a little bit and only because we know MTV plays marathons like ESPN 2 plays poker). It's like an early lent, and it will be even more awesome when we do get to seen it all (hell, maybe we can find some bars with satellite dishes in Europe. Or fuck, MTV probably pumps it over there, too).

anyways, tonight we will get one sweet, delectible taste from Laguna's nourishing teat, a taste that is sure to haunt us in the harrowing weeks ahead, a taste that like Sirens will beckon to destroy us, a taste that is guaranteed to bring us back to our homeland eager to catch up on everything important happening in a high school 3,000 miles away (and last year).


Blogger Jimmy said...

I'll have to admit, once you watch a few you get hooked. They better have a good replacement for L.C. because one can only take so much of Kristin's bitchiness and it does look like she'll be running the show. Tonight should set the tone.

8:36 PM

Blogger Laura said...

Here's a little something you might enjoy:

12:43 PM


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