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Monday, March 06, 2006

Perhaps this says it better

and considering the drunkeness level (CONSIDERABLE -- there are three darts stuck in the wall right above my tv as I type this), this is remarkably insightful. Alas, I still missed work in the morning like a complete dumbass....but hey, we won

Booober5: shit yeah man
me: hell yeah
Booober5: FUCK YEAH
me: too much happiness
Booober5: that was fuckin great
Booober5: HUGE
me: too big
Booober5: FUCK YEAH
Booober5: it almost slipped my mind it was redick's senior night, that makes it 10000000000000x better
me: and sheldon
Booober5: i dont hate him as much as jj, it makes me much happier to see jj sulking
me: 2 seniors
Booober5: the games on espn, what great tv to fall asleep to
me: well, 4 seniors
Booober5: didnt start em
me: really?
me: i din t even notice that
Booober5: dont think so
me: you are right
Booober5: bush league by k, yet expected
Booober5: didnt know our freshmen outscored their seniors
me: pretty crazy eh
me: b/c
me: shelden
me: good
me: lee
me: fuck good
me: dock...pure shit
me: redick
me: wtf
Booober5: 2-last 18
me: pretty awesome
me: 1. not open
me: 2. ginyard
Booober5: huge game by him
Booober5: i was very impressed
me: 2nd leading scorer
me: and he's done good for a bit now
Booober5: yeah
me: and we started like shit
me: and noel and terry
me: shit
Booober5: old habits to start the game
me: good, but shit
Booober5: to's
me: we didn't play THAT well
Booober5: very sloppy at times, 1 pass and a shot
me: reyshawn
me: side of backboard
Booober5: under 2
me: no time of the shot clock
Booober5: frasor with the smile
Booober5: clutch motherfucker
me: are you wathcing this shit
me: and is he dutch
Booober5: im watching the game
Booober5: made those 2 ft's
me: it's 10-2 where i'm at
Booober5: yeah
me: we are commentating
Booober5: dont trust paulus in tight situations
Booober5: that oughta be enough scoring for now for jj
me: that's the truth
me: paulus>
me: ?
me: good
me: >
me: ?
Booober5: not currently
Booober5: he makes a lot of freshman mistakes
me: tru
me: so does frasor
me: i.e. getting his shit thrown
Booober5: hes cut down on them
Booober5: haha
me: fake pass
me: shit thrown
Booober5: landlord doesnt buy too much shit
Booober5: i like how they called those travels tight
me: well, he did
me: i go to bed
Booober5: FUCK YEAH
me: peace
Booober5: adios
me: what a perfect night
Booober5: FUCK YEAH
Booober5: i couldnt be happier
me: me either
me: this is the epitome of me
Booober5: so far ahead of expectations
me: i still think we are playing out of our minds
me: and have been for about 2 months
Booober5: then this is the best we can play and should expect it
me: but we dint' lay that well
me: tonight
me: but have recdently
me: w'eve played our best
me: you can't always exect the best
Booober5: i think we are hitting our stride and have been since mid-late january
me: tru
me: but the stride usually has a hiccup
me: when
Booober5: im very confident
Booober5: i think weve played good enough to avoid a hiccup
Booober5: like at wake
me: yeah
me: but when does the hiccup come
Booober5: our defense is good enough to make up for weak offesnive ggames
me: is my point
Booober5: i guess sometime in the acc tourney
Booober5: bc when we lose in the ncaa tourney i dont think it will be a hiccup
me: agree
me: i just hope it happens
me: before it sucks
me: i slee
me: p
Booober5: later


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