Vegas time time
Well, it just seems that in this world there are some lucky people, and while I have never known that to be my lot, I still must say that the Vegas experience was quite an enjoyable one. Minus the three hundo plus I dropped, of course.
RJ, AJ, and DJ rolled up sans GJ to the strip, and the hellhole never knew what hit it. On Day 1, RJ rocked the craps table for a solid 30-minute roll, which I gleefully but frustratedly watched from the side as the money flowed in all around me. But the mad bank for RJ didn't stop there as he went on to domm the blackjack tables, aided by some well-timed bets, fruitful card-counting attempts and presumably by his consistent, genuine efforts to build a rapport with the dealers.
note: Screw the Pats for wrecking my best chance to win on the entire trip.
To be sure, there was a lot of drinking, a lot of gambling, a lot of hangovers, a lot of not sleeping and a lot of fun. That's how us GJ kats roll, forever and for always.
Oh, and the song "Caress Me Down" will never, ever be viewed the same.....and I know what you are thinking since we were in Vegas, but believe me, that's not the case in the slightest. It may be worse.