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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

the day the music died

yup, you can go ahead and cross another name off the possible future Mrs. DTM list.

That's right, hot 38-year-old woman from my sports philosophy class is no longer a viable option.

So, what led to this sudden, unexpected demise? What -- if not her egregious age difference -- finally did her in, you wonder?

Well, before class, I was discussing with her the ethical implications of Colorado's miraculous 5th down against Mizzou and whether it constituted cheating (no) or bad sportspersonship (no, and please note the PC in full effect) -- btw, how awesome is it to actually discuss the Buffs in a college class at UNC?, but I digress.

Lo and behold, in the midst of our ethical exploration, she drops this bomb: "I don't even know what a 'down' is........and DON'T even try to explain it to me. I hate it. I've never been able to understand it."

boom goes the dynamite, that broad was done. Shit, she ain't got time to master football, then I ain't got time to master her (please note the sexism in full effect).

the fact that she also mentioned a husband for the first time today did not play a role in my decision.


Blogger Rell said...

"boom goes the dynamite, that broad was done. Shit, she ain't got time to master football, then I ain't got time to master her (please note the sexism in full effect)."

Greatest two sentences... ever?

I literally (and not the "i'm just gonna type it because it seems kind of funny") LOL-ed in the office when I read that.

Good Stuff.

12:44 PM


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