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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


so it happened, the nightmare scenario.


Rashad. Ray. Sean.


Jawad. Jackie. (Melvin.)

and let's NOT forget JamesOn. and J.R.

Back: David, Reyshawn, Q.T(O)., (Wes). (Byron).

I never thought it possible. Well, not never. After we won, I saw it as very possible. But last summer, no way. I mean honestly, this scenario had no chance in hell of ever evolving. But it did. Ray and Rashad were always gone. Somehow Marvin found a way to be perfect when there was about a 4% chance (and 20 minutes) for him to be. And then Sean, the one with no NBA upside, had to play out-of-this-world for the last half of the season. And we won the National Championship.

Now, we might not even make the NCAA. But we won the National Championship, and I'm actually sort of looking forward to next season (I would really like to nab Echefu, so we'd at least have SOMEONE with size to come off the bench). But face it, we have NO PRESSURE -- well, aside from being defending champions, but none at all relative to Carolina terms. The ACC, save dook (fuck, fuck, fuck) is really depleted and weak. We'll be playing freshmen and watching them learn. And we'll get to see the difference between Roy and Matt. It's going to be different, but sometimes different can be fun (and sometimes it can be horrible -- i.e. 8-20 -- see? even my optimistic posts are forever ruined by Carolina-sports-induced pessimism)

But we won the National Championship.


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