What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


(I really do hate to "broadcast" this -- that is not my intent at all. But in this blog I express myself, and it's my only avenue to reach some of you, so like this I bare my soul. If you don't get it, don't worry and move on.)

I prefer to look at this day as a forceful, inevitable (and I use that in the spanish sense= meaning rougly, "unavoidable") reminder of the power and strength of love.

Certainly, today is a reminder of many things, and always should be, whether we need reminding or not. It defines sadness, and thereby hapiness is well. It forces the welcomed remembrance of a friend gone, and at the same time, of friends still here. It demands deep reflection and also thoughtful projection. It is a day we can always learn from.

It is a day which (perhaps by necessity) constantly teaches us to love in new, greater ways.

I love you all.


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