What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Monday, July 25, 2005


here at "the life and times of DTM," we recently told you that Manish turned 21 and that the festivities were a fucking blast. But as those of you who frequent DTM's online hideout know, we hold ourselves up to a higher standard than simply delivering frivolous tales of bygone times -- we give you the glorious (and even the inglorious) proof.

So did Manish REALLY turn 21?........you want the REAL story?

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

(what a lame intro, we do apologize)

a normal beer pong beginning to the night at 2H

naturally progresses

rather quickly (I mean, it was his 21st after all)

including an epic game of flip cup

with many twists and turns along the way

before friends

and "enemies"

initiate the (obviously awkward -- at least for one in particular) trek to the bar scene

where ample women abound

but our man(ish) is clearly too far gone (tequila and tabasco induced) for anything but...

A SPECTACULAR ENDING (for which DTM productions apologizes for having no footage, but Top of the Hill refused to sign over the rights to the scene of the "crime" -- that being the heart of the bar itself).

I told you it was a night to remember -- and all but one did.


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