What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


last night it came to me in a flash of pure lucidness:

George Bush is a pure genius at talking to morons.

So, I'm not political (publicly), and I don't really mean to indict anyone with this comment. It's just so beautiful it its simplicity. And its truth. It explains everything.

George Bush has a masterfully crafted (and carried out) appeal to the general public, the vast majority of whom are morons (no matter what their political affiliation). But Bush is an unparalleled expert at reaching them.

That gets him the critical mass of the vote. Then, the intellectually able among us (yes, I include myself b/c I'm haughty like that) -- which constitutes a very small segment, maybe 10-15% -- make a lot of hullaballoo and debate and debate and argue and debate and discuss and pontificate. But it's all for naught. We like to think we're important because we understand it all. But honestly, intellectuals, including/especially the media, don't affect shit -- either way. We like to think we do, but we don't.

When it comes down to it, the masses determine things, the morons -- the people. And we are a government OF THE PEOPLE. Which makes Bush a .....shit, I've contradicted myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well stated brother of mine, except i have been telling you that same thing for the past 15 years so so (starting with GB #1) remember what was written on the belt of my coat? "the masses are asses"

10:25 PM

Blogger dantheheel said...

yes, i cannot lie.

in some sense, everything I derive has been prestated by you.

3:16 AM


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