What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Señor Butts

The Man (pass it to him) and his list of "top" drunken moments of the year, which I include in part because of their unparalleled comedic value, and also because I was there for most of them:

The Year's Drunkin Events:
1. Getting kicked out of Top of the Hill for eating a cracker
2. 3 Kegger @ 40H
3. 21st birthday: called the bouncer at East End a pussy, puked red throwup the size of my body on Franklin
4. Cut my head on futon and went to the ER the next day
5. Championship night: fucked up my face, not by jumping through a fire or getting in a fight but by falling on my face which left a scar between my eyes
6. Drunked dialed my mom while giving her a quiz if it was actually her.
7. Went to the family diner of Bob Evans for breakfast while still drunk from night before and running up $16 tabs each
8. The remarkable "double pass-out" on bathroom floor
9. Dressed as Mr. Peppermint for Halloween while escorting Princess Lollypop and Queen Frostine
10. Crisco wrestling on the beach


Blogger dantheheel said...

personally, I think #6 needs a bump

7:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this list wasnt in any kind of order, that would have taken more time to think of and i thought i had accomplished a lot by actually putting something on my profile other than my cell number. I had to erase that because i was afraid of the TEP staulker girl getting a hold of it.

11:44 PM

Blogger dantheheel said...

yes, I am in full support of any means necessary to evade that one

1:47 AM


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