8.3 minutes saved
with Google Web Accelerator (in 3 days).
I do caution however, that you at least think before giving your life away to the Google empire as I have.
However, for those that know me, you know I had no choice but to download this timesaver. After all, I did switch writing my name from Daniel to Dan after some rough calculations proved that such a practice would save me a good 20 hours over the estimated course of my live.
And if you have IE, Jimmy says the Accelerator is really helpful, though I would just recommend you join the revolution that is Firefox.
I hate Firefox.
All the ASU computers have them and so many times the pages don't load as well and I find something saying that the site was "disigned for viewing by IE."
Plus, why mess with something that's not broken?
5:28 PM
your ignorance here shows.
There is definitely a weakness in Firefox in that it is hurt by the monopolizing practices of Microsoft and therefore some sites have yet to make themselves compatible with it. As well, some audio/video files do not work as well/at all.
But as a whole it is vastly superior to IE (believe me, I was only converted by a persistent Phipps). I imagine it's like people who actually know about computers and how they all love LINUX.
and lord I wish UNC would install it on computers here.
and messing with something that's not broken is how things get better -- it's like the motto of America.
6:01 PM
My old roommate had Linux and it too was weird and stupid.
That's how I treat tech. stuff that I don't know/understand: it's stupid. Someday, when I actually get into the classes of my major and not the absolute BS that was this year (that's a WHOLE other topic....) I might actually understand. But until then I just want to stick to old IE because I want to run with the sheep.
Why makes Firefox better anyway? Honestly, the only difference I see IS in the part of it that lacks what Microsoft and IE have.
8:41 PM
I agree with you about Firefox.
I use Firefox, and love Linux.
7:14 AM
Are college educated people still stupid enough to use IE? Ok, stupid is too harsh. Ignorant?
1/2 the people that come to the ITRC bring in their laptops because of "popups" or "running slow" or something is "acting funny". All of this is because of spyware. Always. IE not broken? I've never had a single client come in with these problems while using firefox (or mozilla).
Yes, there are certain sites that get lazy and code so that only IE loads correctly, and that is the only reason not to uninstall IE from your machine.
Browsing the internet with IE is like sending your computer into NY city, picking it up a $4 whore, and not giving it a condom.
12:22 PM
"Browsing the internet with IE is like sending your computer into NY city, picking it up a $4 whore, and not giving it a condom."
best analogy ever?
1:24 PM
A small bump in the road: http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/120756
I do like Firefox better than IE now though. I have converted.
4:24 PM
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