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Thursday, May 19, 2005

summer update update

crap libarary job: mornings: 6.50/hr, 15-20 hrs a week
cocaine maternal behavior job: afternoons, 15 hrs a week, ends early July
research job: work from home, flexible hours, 10/hr, weekends
carolina blue: roughly 4 articles a month, Web site, 10/12 per article, clips
Tar Heel Monthly: 1 article a month, 50 an article, clips


August: Europe, blitzkrieg style.


12 week internship in Bristol with ESPN as a production assistant, 9/hr, 40 hour weeks....Sportscenter, ESPN News, Baseball Tonight....



Blogger Jimmy said...

I say ESPN, but that's probably because its always been a dream of mine to work for them or at least go and be a part of Sportscenter. With that said, it might not be the best decision for you, or the most fun. I guess it really comes down to whether it's an opportunity you feel like you can pass up or not. I'm guessing you would jump at it if "Europe Blitzkreig Style" wasn't presenting itself as an option.

10:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would probably do espn.
but at this point, i think you know what you want and that's what you should do.
what will make you happiest this summer? what will give you the best opportunities in the long run? where will you get the most money? where will you challenge yourself the most?...and...where will give you a better idea of what you want out of life?

and, how did the espn come about; i thought it was gone?

5:00 PM

Blogger dantheheel said...

what will make you happiest this summer? -- CH

what will give you the best opportunities in the long run? -- ESPN

where will you get the most money? -- ESPN

where will you challenge yourself the most? -- ESPN

where will give you a better idea of what you want out of life -- ESPN

it's a cruel, cruel summer

5:15 PM

Blogger Nick said...

"what will make you happiest this summer?-CH"

Really? I'd think that this internship is one of those once in a lifetime experiences, getting to work on the sets of all these shows that we basically live off of. I guess I'd say that because, like Jim, I'd jump at the chance. You can go to Europe any time (next summer) and will have all year to go out and do whatever in Chapel Hill...some things will always be there, others...not so much...

12:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 more cents:

do what you think you should.
you know where you'll be happy.

but, don't be afraid to suprise yourself.

2:11 PM


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