Dasani my ass
This tirade has been brewing for awhile. It's one I've had since before the Land of Blog, and have hence had no outlet for (Sort of like Starfucks -- can there really be a legitimately acceptable explanation for having 18 stores in the course of 11 blocks? I don't care what business philosophy you subscribe to, the answer is no.) No outlet, until now, that is. Brace yourself.
Don't buy water. That's pretty much my main argument. No, wait, let me rephrase. If you buy water, you are stupid. Really stupid. At least bottled water (sometimes fast food restuarants fuck you over and make you pay for a cup).
Look, we live in America (this argument doesn't hold true to travelers in foreign lands who are looking to avoid unpleasant bodily experiences -- although I tend to believe that's a bunch of crap, too (not literally). (why not drink the tap water and just challenge your immune system, give it a chance to improve, test it out and find its strengths and weaknesses, or better yet, just believe in your health and let the mind conquer all?)
but back to my point. Water is a rip off. In all other cases. Look for drinking fountains. They are everywhere. They are free. Sometimes they are cold. Sometimes they are not. Grow some balls and deal with it. It's better than PAYING FOR WATER -- the most abundant natural resource on this planet. And as for you, "But it comes from a mountain spring!" bullshit spouters, I've got news for you. No it doesn't.
Perhaps I'm just a spoiled brat raised on crystal-clear Rocky Mountain runoff, but you'll never convince me there's ANY reason to pay for water (get a damn coke for all I care). It's so logical, so cheap, so perfect, so sane.
Which is why I'm not surprised all you fuckers fall for its hollow, nonexistent, hoodwinking allure.
(why does this issue arise so much hate in my soul? I mean, I know I'm an angry person, but still...it begs questions)
You're post really spoke to me. I couldn't agree more. You were literally taking thoughts out of my brain as I read...Hot stuff man...
9:58 AM
glad it made such an impact...and glad I'm not the only one
5:05 PM
it comes from the rich-people who are to good for "tap" water because tap water has all those "chemicals" in it.
Get a darn cup of water out of the sink and save your 1.29
You can even go as far as david and drink room temperature tap water all the time.
10:30 PM
Room temperature tap water: The finest beverage known to man.
(seriously, I mean that.)
8:34 AM
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