our words
they likely suck compared to the pictures, but if you feel like a well random recap, here are our hasty jottings
Danish in
well, y'all we did
love you all and miss you
(and send money ;-) (did i mention this place is unbelievably out of your gourd expensive?))
p.s. met andy and his misses clara and had a great time before getting a little tipsy, making a random english friend on the tube, going to a private party at a cuban bar with him and getting kicked out and then wandering in circles along the thames trying to find our way back to our hostel late night....great times and exactly what we need some more of..adeiu
Manish's Take
Hullo (with british accent),
Sorry I havent written sooner, but Dan and I have been extremely busy.
Here is what we have done so far.
Day one: London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster
Abbey, Parliament, 10 Downing St, Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Sq,
Soho, Covent Garden, watched a play (The Producers)
As you can tell this day was unbelievably busy. And neither of us
could sleep on the plane over, so we were tired all day, but just kept
running from one place to another. As we were watching teh play we
fell asleep several (and i mean several times).
Day Two:
roommates, went to a pub, had fish and chips, got lost, walked around
a lot more.
Today: London eye, tate modern, st. paul
We have seen everything in probably a quarter of teh time of most
tourists, which is good because we can leave London a little earlier
(and maybe with some money in the bank account)
Money here is RIDICULOUS, we DEFINITELY did not plan for this. THe
budget I set for myself before teh trip was shot down about 4 hours
after being in
which we pay for, the other is pretty much just bread and water
(seriously, i am not joking). But I guess thats part of teh
backpacking experience.
okay almost out of time on teh computer, will call later,
from Paris
gotta keep this short since i'm paying and mainly cause i have to revert to single-finger typing on this keyboard which makes this a tough task. suffice it to say though, that despite not speaking a lick of french, we have properly conquered the city --and even ALL of the Louvre-- in under two days. now all that remains is a trip to the jardins for a lazy afternoon on another gorgeous day with some crepes at a cafe. it`s the life. then it's off to the train station to board a long one -- 20 hours or so -- but hopefully will be made considerqbly better by waking up in
au revoir,
Manish’s Take
Disclaimer: the keyboards here in
different order, so expect several typos
far, and we love each place.
We qrrived in
we thought that our plqne ride was going to be 8 to 12 hours, well it
was 6. And during that time I ate 2 meals, and got to watch the new
Ashton Kutcher movie, so basicqlly I managed to get about 1 hour of
sleep total, and it wqs economy class sleep. Anyway, once in
Dan and I decided that during the first day, we should be sure to kill
the fuck out of my vacqtion budget. In the first day we saw: London
Bridge, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace/Gardens,
Westminster Abbey, Big Ben; Pqrliament, No 10 Downing St, Trafalgar
Sq; Picadilly Circus, [hold on let me take a breath], Soho, Covent
Garden, and paid an assload of money to go watch the play "the
Producers" (the play not only sucked, but dan and i had 3rd level
corner seats, and we probably were asleep for about 75% of the play.
The next day we kinda split up when we were visting the big museums
(national gqllery, British museum). I also decided to explore the town
by myself, and got lost for q few hours but it was still cool. then
dan qnd i met his british roommate from last year and went to a pub,
had many pints and some fish and chips. it was jolly good. The next
day we did the
First day in
We are the ultimqte tourists, we pretty much run to everything:
Next day; the Louvre is WAYYY too big, after 4.5 hours I decided to
say "Fouquet (haha, its a painters name, you know its funny) I need to
leave for the next museum"
Today we decided to sleep in and relax. This afternoon we are going to
follow us.
Sorry i am almnost out of time on the internet, dont worry, I am
keeping a detailed journal qand taking mqny pictures, that everyone
can read/see;
Im in
a little Portugal, a little Spain...
Ola, bom dia (still in portuguese mode, plus i know spanish)
arrived in
oh yeah, this hostel is our best yet. cheap (14 euro, FREE INTERNET (thus this extended email)), cheap drinks, all friendly. should be a fun evening of tapas and drinks.
i am absolutely parched from walking all day = 12 hours in blazing sun, so I´m gonna go chug extensive amounts of water
obrigado (which actually means thank you in portuguese but was about the only other phrase we had time to learn there '-- oh yeah, and they had these pastries..pasteis de die for)
maybe next from
Swiss Alps and Italy, the beginning
guten tag and buongiorno,
so yeah, finished up spain and all the art and stuff there (la sagrada familia is amazing and the food rocked), went to switzerland and had an epic, billesque 7 hour hike up in the alps before gondoling up to the top (if we'd gotten there a little earlier and worn appropriate cloting have no fear we would have trekked it all). that was awesome
seen david and uffizi today, duomo prolly tomorrow then roma
auf wiedersehen and ciao/arrivederci,
“it was perfect”
our eyes met, mine an extranjero anglo blue, hers an exotic dark hue matching an olive skin
she was gorgeous
she approached, asked if I was american
turns out she was
alone in
my previously planned schedule for the evening: a trip to the cupola of the duomo, then a gelati while crossing ponte vecchio and strolling along the river
problem was she was dumb as a rock so i dumped her and did it myself
like you care anymore, but i have to write somewhere since i'm not putting this on my blog and i've got the worst memory ever
so yeah, to sum things up
our train from interlaken (so goregeous and in hindsight, should have stayed longer...BECAUSE) got halted because of the bomb discovery, prompting a mysterious bus ride (they kind of herded us to an area and we just got on a bus not really knowing the plan) and eventually a run through the rain on the streets of pisa to the train station in order to catch a train to firenze on time
firenze is beautiful
aside from the ridiculous tourist vibe which caused over 8 HOURS of LINE WAITING and the art, which isn't my favorite (birth of venus, primevera, holy family, duke of urbino, etc.) (david excluded, that was amazing), i love the city. it's incredible. so old, so friendly, so warm, so safe, so comfy, so beautiful. the
we made it to
we are amazing tourists/travelers, if i haven't mentioned this earlier
tomorrow it's the pantheon and maybe st. peter's basillica while killing time before attacking the
then it's a little more time in italy before the end of the trip (and the wallet -- even though i'm being even frugalier than usual it's hard not to try to eat the native dishes, vegetable ones included [ get this, I was EXCITED to by a sandwich composed of nothing but bread, 1/4 of some unknown chees --usually the breaking point -- and 3/4 SPINACH!!! That was it, and better, I LIKED it) begins to come into focus. maybe some hiking in
i don't know if we'll have enough time
fun stuff and off to eat a killer italian meal,
ciao bella (to the girls),
Manish's Take
Roma Roma Roma
Pronto (thats how everyone answers their cellphone here, sounds gay),
Trip update for yall, because you care.
London-expensive, fun, but still expensive
Paris-favorite city so far, just amazing in every aspect
Since then....
On our way to
before we were supposed to go. So when we got on the train the next
night (it was a sleeper), we kept on gettign kicked out of whatever
open seats we could find. We got moved like 6 times. The 6th time it
was like 430 in the morning, so i just said fuck it and we slept
sitting up on our bookbages on the train corridors and inbetween
all around the city eating, and reading in parks. We finally made it
out to some bars, and ended up meeting some random Canadians, it was
Madrid, lets see, i took a siesta in a park, went to some awesome
museums, ate great food, and went on a pub crawl, during which someone
burnt my mouth taking a shot, and almost got in a lot of trouble for
trying to steal a bottle of wine. The worst part was we think we
returned to the hostel at 6 in teh morning, but we woke up at like 9
to do more sightseeing, bad idea,but hey sometimes you just have to
seen so far on this trip, its only half done, but was still amazing.
Other than that we saw the FC Barcelona stadium (and got a sweet ass
soccer jersey), largest in
around a lot, ate good food, and had a little sangria.
the people from work would ever deposit my check, so i didnt think i
had any money. So i couldnt go canyoning or skydiving, which actually
turned out to be a great thing. Dan and I hiked for like 6-7 hours in
the alps and got awesome pictures. I think I want to buy a house in
ahve everything, moutains, chocolate, they are good timekeepers, and
if they have a wine bottle opener on the swiss army knife, you know
they are living teh good life. My parents were coming to interlaken
the next day, but we had the most confusing time trying to get in
touch with each other, so it didnt happen. sad i know.
But fret not my friends, for hilarity ensues. So Dan and I are on our
train to
difficulties.....then it becomes a 90 minutes delay......then, get
this......the train will not run.......because......they found a
bomb........(now the good part).......from World War II......and need
to shut down this region of teh tracks!!!!!!! So at this point its
pure chaos, because everyone needs to get to whereever they need to,
so they put us on some buses and drive us 2.5 hours south to the next
train station. At this point I had no idea where i was or where I was
going, all i knew was that like 300 people were comign with me, so it
couldnt be too bad. Well the plan was to get to
picture with the
immediately for
(inthe rain), and could not find a single taxi, so we had to run liek
1.25 miles with our backpacks in teh rain all the way to the station.
good. I think Dan liked it a lot more than I did. The food in
just ridiculously good, I try not to eat like 6 meals a day. Oh yeah,
the sculpture of David, is amazing.
Today is our first day in Roma, pretty much saw everything except for
Hope everyone is doing great, I cant wait to show you pictures and
tell you everything that you dont want to know. See you soon.
a little scared,
and a lot scared
due mainly to monetary and visa concerns, and some differences in wanderlust as well, Manish and I are splitting up soon (just for a few days). He will get to see the natural beauty of
still, as it looks now
(we did Pompei and a bit of
tomorrow, the Vatican museums (sistine chapel) and off to Venezia (saw Pietà and basilica di San Pedro yesterday, both the shizznit although somehow we erred in not realizing the Pope addressed the masses at noon and so barely missed that -- we're afforded one error I feel, though this happened to be especially egregious)
Buda and
and meet Manish back in
then who knows
I don't know where I'm staying, how to speak any of the languages, and Manish has the guidebook. I am hoping to find a cheap disposable camera to preserve the memories and an alarm clock to ensure I make them. adventure at its finest, and scariest for a tightass like me, I suppose.
if you don't hear from me after a week or so, blame manish. he encouraged me to spread my wings (and hopefully save some money)
by the way, parents, the constant money complaining is not a plea and I feel bad continually mentioning it -- but it's just a friggin reality and the food here is too amazing to not eat (like we did in London and Paris and will probably do the last week as well). now i know what traveling costs are (this eurail pass has done wonders, but they still make us pay handsomely for some trains, which was unexpected)
oh well, best go and try some spaghetti,
and if it's the last time, remember me.
so much for the other language greetings and things, I don-t even know how to say the name of the city
beautiful country -- who knew they had alps and picturesque mountain villages. not i till the train ride
everyone bikes here. Everyone. they don-t have sidewalks, they have bike lanes. it might be in part due to the fact that they only seem to have streets every half mile or so *and they aren't straight, a fact that contributed to me being absolutely lost for close to 3 hours today (in a bad part of town too, apparently, as the cops pulled me over before realizing i couldn't understand a thing they said). but thanks to a friendly biker and another half hour of walking, i finally found my hostel, got out on the town *another half hour away, and did the sights, mainly bridges, churches and a castle. drank some beer on the main square, presevgny, and then made the long trek back while consuming a delectible burek *a kind of bread and i got meat filling, might try cheese tomorrow.
it sure would help having a map, but the prices here while not dirt cheap, were definitely CHEAP, and I ate like a king.
off to
is where i am at. safely
after a beautiful train ride (and I made the stopover in
off to sleep, early to rise
a day on the town, and perhaps
ahh ahh ahh ahh
staying alive...staying alive
yesterday was quite harrowing, as i found my morphormation into bill almost complete, as during my brief stopover in bratislava (who knew they were one of 2 places in eastern europe with a SOL higher than the EU average), AFTER exploring everything and crossing the danube, I decided to hike up to bratislava castle -- exactly 25 minutes before my train left *you can't go to bratislava and not hike up to the castle, can you?
anyways, a 20 minute helterskelter and panicked descent and sprint to the trainstation, backpack on mind you, allowed a sweaty, exhausted, and parched dtm to safely board his train a mere minute before it's departure
it ended up being kind of the wrong train (long story), but oh well
wombat's was cool, even drank a little, but had to get up early. Came to
checkpoint charlie
yuh huh, dtm is in berlin
tomorrow the rendezvous with manish is supposed to come off bright and early -- in time to cruise the city (which is monstrosity-ly expansive -- and the train system is ridiculouslz complex). the early wake up will not be welcomed, as it will be the sixth consecutive day that dtm is up before 7. insane. the body tries desperately to sleep on trains, but the mind wont let it...ya only get to see this stuff once you know
anywho, prague was exceptional. what an amaying citz. the charles bridge or karlovy most = beautiful as expected.
travelling alone has been quite the challenge, and it hasn0t helped that my trains have made it as difficult as possible (i seemingly have to switch stations in every city -- trains from eastern europe and western europe rarely meet at the same station and i,ve done a wonderful job of switching back and forth between the two)
random stuff....hung out with some canadians, a german, and a kiwi at wombat,s, and had an english girl tell me she liked my accent. i told her she better, i,d been practicing it for 20 odd years. in a nice way.
oh and get this, somehow (as in with blind luck) i timed my ascent to the top of the citadel in budapest to coincide perfectlz with an air show taking place over the danube between the chain bridge and the next one up. incredible things, and might of (have) got a picture,
time to run,
the blitzkrieg in full effect
kopenhavn (a grand total of 1.5 hours that is – which coincidentally was plenty of time to determine that the country may just be home to the most beautiful women in the world), bruxelles (most beautiful square, called great place, in the world?.... I think so, and the chocolate, beer and waffles were quite tasty as well), and
(yeah, we really did attack them all – and I got to eat a most delicious hamburger in
I come to you from
don''t got much time to chat, but suffice it to say our rapid tour of the largest city in scandanavia and the low countries was well worth it -- albeit quick. But we came to conquer, and we have. Now it's some relaxing in the dutch party center (though I can't seem to get out of banshee mode and still wish to attack the van gogh museum, anne frank's house, and the rijksmuseum all today (problem , it's almost noon.....I decided to sleep in, which now equates to 10 oçlock, after an 8 day binge which saw me rise no later -- and many times earlier -- than 7 and had me totalling about 7 hours in the last two days combined. Not the typical dtm in
so, I depart now (don't worry parents, this whole coffee shop thing scares me as well),
we got free internet (which means the line is long), but perhaps after a bike ride through the tulips and windmills (weather permitting), I'll find another reason to write.
love you,
usual randomness
it’s all over :-(
a day-long bike ride among rolling (wait, actually, completely non-existent) hills and even a few windmills in the dutch countryside (no tulips though, ain’t that time of year) provided a superb conclusion to the
school starts in two days.
stateside in 15 hours (will try to call, but I've got to work Fall Fest the second I get back, so I might not be available till Monday or perhaps later),
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