What can I say? It's my life, it's my times. Welcome.

Friday, May 27, 2005

MAJOR benefits of my menial jobs

I am learning to write pretty -- and less like a drunk 1st grader.

I have an unparalleled mastery of, expertise in, and reliance on the number pad -- developed in rapid rapid time due to constant use.

I now know how to use our library system (for the record I've never taken a single book off the shelf in my 3 years here).

I'm enhancing my skillz on the typewriter -- which I just KNOW will come in handy later in life. TWSHIT, but who knows?

For the first time in, well, ever, I listen to music like normal people. Of course, I listen to weird music (Life Aquatic soundtrack, what what), so the parallel ends pretty quickly. Still, feeling like I'm a part of mainstream culture is an added bonus.

I get to work on my posture, which I've realized recently (and before) is absolutely hideous. Someday I will die of back contortion. It has been twisted in so many ways it's like a dizzy plant that doesn't know which way to grow to be straight. But now I get the chance (for up to 10 hours a day sometimes) to TRY to sit right as much as possible, though I inevitably return to the SLOUCH.

I am developing a never before thought possible tolerance for repugnant lab smells. It's not like it grows on you, and the first 2 minutes suck...but then, well, it just smells like peaches and roses.

I close the lab. So I get to fudge my numbers :-) . And no, I see nothing despicable in that. Plus, I can throw parties and write blog entries when everybody has gone home...


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