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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

why in the world

do I like to be called by different names?

Since the general consensus appears to have swung towards "Dan," -- I was Daniel pretty standard until college -- I have very recently found myself for some reason -- and at some level beyond conscious choice -- introducing myself as "Daniel" or signing my emails that way to people I don't know. Or mixing it up between the two until people (employers) finally ask which I prefer and then saying, "I don't really care either way" and making them choose. And I now realize I would use Danny, and would like people to call me that, if it wasn't so strange for me to introduce myself that way (so if you feel like calling me Danny, go for it, 'cause we need to boost those numbers considerably)

I am one strange mongoose, but at least I can recognize it.


Blogger Jimmy said...

Believe me you are not alone on this one. I have dealt with this problem for quite awhile and while the majority of people know me as Jimmy there have been many variations. See the reason I was called Jimmy in the first place was because my dad was named Jim. Actually for those who don't know I am actually the 4th in a line of James Alexander Leak's. So naturally I was called Jimmy as to avoid confusion with my dad. Now my dad's mother, while she was still alive still referred to him as Jimmy when we went there and I was affectionately known as Jimmy Boy. Yes I know this might be getting confusing. I have gone through the phase in 2nd-5th grades where I was called Jimmy L. because there was also a Jimmy U. Around 5th grade a number of the girls started referring to me as Jimbo. Since then I have at times been called Jimbo, Jim Bob, Jaime (in several Spanish classes), or even in the AIM age bigjim (Andy the Brit used to refer to me as that quite often).

Finally we come to what is actually my name: James. Not many people call me this and I would probably like to keep it that way. This one mostly comes when I am in a large class and that is the name that appears on the roster. Instead of asking the teacher to change it I usually just leave it to avoid confusion.

More and more, people are starting to refer to me as Jim. I agree that it might sound more grown up, but I just don't think I can get out of introducing myself as Jimmy. So I guess I'm stuck with Jimmy, which for now is just fine with me.

8:40 PM

Blogger dantheheel said...

while that is certainly a story unto itself, you miss the entire point.

I'm the one doing the choosing in this case, and I don't know why I keep choosing differently.

Why would I be most happy if 33 percent called me Dan, 33 percent Daniel, and 33 percent Danny?

Maybe it's an ego thing...

1:32 AM

Blogger Jimmy said...

While I did sort of go off on tangent the point was not lost entirely. I think I subconsciously don't tell people my name is Jimmy sometimes because I'd just like to see how it would be if people called me James, as weird as that may sound. And while I've never intrduced myself as Jim. I don't ever tell the people that call me that to stop because I sort of like that some people call me Jim. Maybe it is an ego thing to want to be called different things by different people...

8:26 PM


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